Thursday, August 9, 2012

On your mark...get set...GOOO!!!

Whew! What a rush the past couple of days have been! I imagined that summer would slowly come to an end and I would have plenty of time to work on my classroom. Well, I must say I was anything but right. I actually started working on my classroom Tuesday then my sweet, awesome, amazing husband came and helped me some more on Wednesday. Today and tomorrow are first year teacher orientation. I got my letter about it on Tuesday so these two days, which I thought would be spent preparing my classroom, I'm spending trying to absorb as much as I can about EVERYTHING a teacher needs to know working in a new school system, and I'm also thinking of a million things that have to be done before Monday! Oh, Monday is parent night. Holy smokes...where has the time gone!

My classroom BEFORE! It's still a work in progress, but expect after pictures SOON!!!
Obviously, I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but in the back of my mind I'm trying to tell myself it's normal for the first year of teaching! Right?! This is normal...yes. Oh Lord, PLEASE let this be normal!

On a much less dramatic note, I'M A SCHOOL TEACHER!! When I slow down and take it all in I can't help but smile! I know for certain that God has planted in my heart a love for teaching. He has blessed me with amazing experiences, teachers, and friends that have inspired me to teach and do it well! I have the privelege of spending a year with some sweet kindergarteners and teaching them as much as I can from curriculum to character! What an honor!!! I also just purchased my new class pet Hermie! He is a Betta Fish and for all you elementary ed. peeps out there, he looks JUST like Rainbow Fish to me! I'm still working on a clear and simple set of rules so that Hermie can live peacefully on my desk and not end up flopping on the floor because someone wanted to pet him!

The special addition to Mrs.Kirk's class, Hermie!
It's amazing how blessed we are when we sit down, or stand, or run in circles and think about it. I have had such a passion for this field and God has opened the doors for me to do His will in everyday life and NOW in a classroom. This week has been a reminder that this year and this career is a marathon, not a sprint! I refuse to be so busy dashing to whatever needs to be done next that I miss the journey and opportunities God has placed me in the middle of! Till next time! : )

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hello World!

Being new to this whole blogging thing I couldn't decide what I wanted to write about. So many of my dear friends have blogs and it seemed like such a good way to vent and share with the world just what I'm feeling. After all, I feel like I have pretty good thoughts sometimes so, why not?

My sweet husband and I honeymooning in Charleston, SC!
Our four-legged and furry son, Job!
Just recently I married my very best friend, and for the past couple of months we have been adjusting to being married. The idea of spending the rest of my life with Cain Eric gives me butterflies! I love my husband : ) My husband was also 2 1/2 hours away this past year so being together from here on out is so comforting and exciting! Of course with being married comes those wifely duties. I must admit, I had been looking forward to being a wife the entire year we were engaged! I love cooking, and the idea of cleaning and organizing and maintaining a home is so very appealing to me. A couple of months in, I am loving it!  Some days are not as good as others, but hey, I'm still adjusting so I give myself a little room to leave a few dishes in the sink every now and again. I want to support my hubby and love him and his love language is one that appreciates coming home to a clean orderly house. Fingers crossed that I can maintain a new teaching job and well kept home while keeping my sanity! Being married is a ton of fun! I am completely aware that some days will be hard, but I love and appreciate every minute of time with my awesome husband! We are complete and total kids together and we love laughing at each other's corny jokes! Currently, the olympics has inspired the inner athlete in Cain Eric and we have been playing soccer. He assures me that I'm good, even though I have never touched a soccer ball in my life. He on the other hand, played for years when he was younger and can maneuver the ball with ease making me look completely silly! He does let me score, and entertain the idea that I'm not so bad after all! Sweet right!?

Just a few weeks ago I was hired as a kindergarten teacher! God taught me so much through the way he provided the job and I learned a lot in the process. I'm going to see my room and start organizing a blank space tomorrow! I'm a tad  bit nervous about being a first year teacher and new wife of a pharmacy school student (which is an extremely stressful job in itself for my husband). I can't wait to dive in and organize my new classroom and home-away-from-home for me and my students as soon as I can! This is going to be an adventure and I'm so so SO excited!

So here we go! A 22-year-old's attempt at balancing being a Proverbs 31 wife to a wonderful husband and the best  first year kindergarten teacher I can be, all while most importantly, serving the one who created me! If anyone decides to read, be prepared for the unexpected and funny-now-but-not-at-the-time-it-occured stories!